Once a week I will be accountable to myself (and you because you are reading this) in order to help track my progress. Please feel free to jump in with any thing you thinks needs saying.
Water . . . Dr. Oz said water makes no difference in keeping your skin healthy, however it is necessary to proper bowel function along with fiber. I have no problem drinking water. Over the past years of trying to find a Diet I could live with I discovered I like water. It satisfies thirst and when you are tired, it often is the pick-me up solution. Also I try water first if I start thinking of food.
Healthy eating. . . I have egg-beaters every morning adding Canadian bacon, or spinach or mushrooms and 2 T. of salsa. Then in 2-2 1/2 hours I need a small snack. Usually 10-15 cashews or pistachios or a slice of turkey in a romaine leaf or a wedge of Laughing Cow Lite in a celery stalk. Lunch is a salad. I love salad WITHOUT dressing. Another thing I discovered looking for a "LIVE-IT" is that drencing my salad with a fat dressing covered up the taste of the veggies. I like the veggies. So, no dresssing or maybe a little fresh lemon or lime or white balsamic vinegar. These freshen up the veggies. I have edamame, spinach, field greens, 1 oz. cheese, 2 oz meat, cucumber, peppers, or any combination of lo-carb vegetables. Mid-afternoon a snack again. Supper has always been the downfall. WOrking and coming home to prepare a meal with no processed food was a B-----! Now it is a lot easier. Megan has gotten us on a healthier supper routine and we are looking for a downward trend!!
Exercise . . . Here is the real bug-a-boo. Walking is out as is any weight bearing exercise for longer than a few minutes. So my recumbent bicycle and I had a discussion. We set up in the living room near the new small TV and yesterday I biked for an hour. Easy to judge as it was the length of the TV show. Not very fast, no resistance, burned 30 calories 12 of which were fat. It's a start. I don't intend to set the world afire right away. Just get the knees moving around and strengthen he quads.
Sleep . . I get up at 6 every morning. My knee, hip and back never let me sleep more than 6-7 hours. I am working on this. Hopefully as I lose weight, I can sleep on my back.
Relaxation . . This is funny as I knit the days away. But watching TV and knitting is not the unwind I think I need. So I am having a 15 minute break every morning and afternoon to meditate. Sit in solitary splendor and concentrate on nothing, clear the mind and let any tension flow away. I did it in college those many years ago and it worked then.
So those are the goals and along with the weight I will report each week.
I am excited. I have 8 weeks to surgery, and the more I can get rid of, the easier the recovery.