Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Birth Day Celebrating

Today, March 27, I celebrate the day I was born 66 years ago. I hear people groaning and complaining about growing OLD. I have never been bothered with the years and instead have marveled at the changes time has brought with each stage of life. Except for the knees I like where I am and who I am. I am the sum total of all I have done and seen. It has been a great ride and there are many more curves to peer around in the road ahead. I think the following says it all...

Life can't be counted in candles
or measured in number of years,
it's counted in small joys
and good times and laugh lines,
as well as in heartaches and tears.

Life can't be counted in candles,
but in things done with effort and pride
with dreams followed boldly
and hopes kept alive- -
in times when we've failed - -but tried.

Life can't be counted in candles
or measured in years that have flown- -
it's counted in kindnesses
close friends, and loved ones,
and in all the sweet blessings we've known.


Romelda said...

Thank You!! I checked the Cider Moon site and saw the daffodils . . since they are the March flower..Are they for ME!! I must order the socks. I adore yellow, what Match baby would not! I said you were the best!!

Jae said...

Well said. Happy Birthday!!