Friday, August 31, 2007

Too Funny

I posted about this TV show and I quess someone had the house bugged. Can't you just see this! Instead of Rhumba, Jitterbug and Samba they could have Socks, MS 4, Baby Booties, Aran Cables, Bobbles and Beads, Mittens, and on and on. Oh my gosh! I hope they haven"t bugged this post!!! AAAGH!


Chris said...

Never thought I'd say this but I miss those eighties knitting programmes!
Check my blog, there might be a surprise for you!

Maureen said...

Too cute! John McPherson lives in my town. I have meet him on several occassions.

knitseashore said...

Oh, the performance anxiety!

jae said...

LOL! I can see it now. Too funny!