Saturday, April 28, 2007

Th Family of Friends

I am married to a retired Navy pilot and my father was in the Coast Guard. I have lived many places and missed having a lot of family. So I learned early how to make a Friendly (that's a family of friends). Today my daughter has acquired a large Friendly. When this heart problem came about, her Friendlies went to work. Many of her Friendlies are in the medical field. They vetoed my original cardiologist and found a friend they like better. I have not seen the cardiologist yet but I know much about what the medical procedures will be. I am being very well looked after. My family doctor is married to my children's former baby sitter and I consider him a Friendly. . He put me on Zocor and Loprol even though my cholesterol is not over the guide lines and my blood pressure is fine. He feels why take any chances. Until I see the cardiologist this is what we will do.

My knitting Friendly is growing each day. Jae, I felt your warmth from cold Michigan and Chris, the offer of your own joyous hand dyed and spun yarn carried a hug all the way across the Atlantic. Vickie, I so hope to see you next Thursday with good news.
I am so very blessed. Knit yourself a Friendly, and wrap yourself in their warmth, it is the very best hug you can have!


Jae said...

My family does not live close (nor have they for quite some time). I can really relate to finding family where ever you can regardless of what genetics may say. I hope all continues to progress well for you!

vlb5757 said...

Ro-I will keep you in my happy thoughts. I will be at the happy knitting round table on Thursday. It's my only week day off. Saturday I will be on the bus for the Maryland Sheep & Wool Show. I can't think of a better way to finish off the week. I hope that your news from the heart doctor is better than before. I know you so wanted that knee surgery. See you on Thursday, and bring those silly socks with you!!